Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Night at the Museum: A Yearly Ritual

The annual Night Festival has turned into a yearly post-dinner ritual during our anniversary date. I think its easy to see why. The usual dinner under the stars and walk in the park is taken so much further with the light installations, overhead water acrobatic performances and hands-on exhibitions. We just turn up at the Bras Brasah precinct, and ta-dah! we step into a world of art in so many forms - light and shadow, sound, paint, sculpture, film, etc, that its hard not to get excited and even a little overwhelmed. 

I also like how the whole Bras Brasah precinct seems to take on a different persona each Night Festival. Its as if our museums have a whole other vivacious, party-animal persona that it only lets us in on each Night Festival. It always feels as if I am sharing in on a secret personlity of the museums, down the back of SAM to SAM at 8Q, along Armenian Street... and all these loud, colourful things are spilling out of their corners and into the streets. 

This year, my best takeaway was in Yeo Shih Yun's Conversations with Trees, which is shown in the last two pictures here. To create Conversations with Trees, Yeo tied hair brushes dipped in black ink to tree branches, and allowed these hair brushes to create marks on silkscreen. From afar, Conversations with Trees looked just like another Chinese ink painting. But after learning of the method Yeo employed in this painting, and as I looked closer, I was transported to another place where there was just a tree and the breeze, blowing at me in the direction of each stroke my eyes picked up on the silkscreen painting.  

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